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Art of the Possible: A Benefit Celebrating 50 years of Gateway Arts

Октябрь 18, 2023 @ 6:30 пп - 9:30 пп

Thank you for your interest in Gateway Arts’ 50й Anniversary Benefit Celebration: Art of the Possible.  At this time, online ticket sales are closed.  For ticket availability and more information, please contact Nick Kane, [email protected], or 978.460.2255. 


Искусство возможного will formally launch on Wednesday, October 18 with a benefit celebration at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.  The evening will consist of art, cocktails, food, and conversations with Gateway Artists in the Shapiro Family Courtyard, as well as special access to the Art of the Americas wing.  All funds raised from this celebration will enhance Gateway Искусствоs capacity к secure a working future for our current artists, attract and support a new generation of artists with disabilities, and expand community engagement through partnerships with the MFA, Fuller Craft Museum, и Abilities Dance Boston, among others.

Festive attire encouraged.

Tickets: $300 per person
All tickets held at the door.

Enter on Huntington Ave.
Complimentary parking is available at the Huntington Lot and the Museum Road Garage. Attendees needing assistance may be dropped off at the Huntington Entrance, which is also wheelchair accessible.

To become an event sponsor, click здесь.

Вопросы? Contact Development Manager, Nicolas Kane at [email protected] or 617-734-1577 x29

Art of the Possible – Honorary Committee

Camilo Alvarez
Достопочтенный. Джейк Окинклосс, член Конгресса США
Джудит Белзер и Майкл Поллан
Джаред Боуэн
Эми Бреннеман и Брэд Силберлинг
Джоанн Чанг и Кристофер Майерс
Крис Купер и Марианна Леоне
Достопочтенный. Синтия Крим, лидер большинства в Сенате Массачусетса
Кэтлин Хобсон и Атул Гаванде
Джозеф Кеннеди и Лорен Кеннеди
Том Перротта и Мэри Грэнфилд
Ана Сортун и Крис Курт
Аба Тейлор
Мэтью Тейтельбаум, исполнительный директор Музея изящных искусств, Бостон
Лиза Танг и Спенсер Глендон
Достопочтенный. Томми Витоло, представитель штата Массачусетс
Jean Yang, President & CEO, Vinfen Co.


Art of the Possible – Sponsors


The Family of Donna Jean Johnson in Honor of Rae Edelson’s Leadership and in Memory of Donna Jean Johnson
Wendy and Marty Kaplan, Lis Tarlow and Steve Kay
Patti and Jonathan Kraft


The Aronson Family


Anonymous (2)
Лорри Беренберг и Роберт Вильштейн
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Rae Edelson and Bruce Dow
Аманда Макмаллан
The Linda Hammett Ory and Andrew Ory Charitable Trust
Martha Siegel and Adam Elsesser


Bechtel Frank Erickson Architects
Беверли и Боб Бернсон
Julie Bernson and Sergio Bautista
The Boston Foundation
Edmund and Betsy Cabot Charitable Foundation in Honor of Yasmin Arshad
Steve Corkin and Dan Maddalena
The Family of Leah Dunn
Martha Field in Honor of Maria Field
Шерил и Джеффри Кац
Marc Plonskier and Heni Koenigsberg


Anonymous in Honor of Yasmin ArshaD
The Arc of Massachusetts
Общественный фонд Бруклина
Division of Digital Psychiatry, BIDMC
Sarah, Laura, and Andrew Eisenmann
Jim and Audrey Foster
Alice Friedman and Cameran Mason
Joe Geller and Maria Benet in Memory of Marvin and Virginia Geller
Barbara Ito and Jonathan Katz
Beth Kantrowitz and Ben Scheindlin
Грегори Лиакос
The Mast Family in Memory of Linda Carlisle
Mongan Institute
Faith and Glenn Parker in Honor of Lorri Berenberg
Eleanor Peters and Stephen Chaletzly
Point 32 Health
Virginia Pye and John Ravenal
Синтия и Скотт Рэндалл
Джейк Рэндалл
Phyllis and Jerome Lyle Rappaport Foundation
Martha Richardson and Avrum Belzer
Marla and Clifford Robinson in Honor of Beverly Bernson
Kathy and Gary Sharpless in Honor of Cheryl Katz
The Greater Yarmolinskys in Celebration of Yasmin Arshad
Jean Yang

Honorary Committee Camilo Alvarez The Hon. Jake Auchincloss, Member, US Congress Judith Belzer and Michael Pollan Jared Bowen Amy Brenneman and Brad Silberling Joanne Chang and Christopher Myers Chris Cooper and Marianne Leone The Hon. Cynthia Creem, Massachusetts Senate Majority Leader Kathleen Hobson and Atul Gawande Joseph Kennedy and Lauren Kennedy Tom Perrotta and Mary Granfield Ana Sortun and Chris Kurth Aba Taylor Matthew Teitelbaum, Ann and Graham Gund Director, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Lisa Tung and Spencer Glendon The Hon. Tommy Vitolo, Massachusetts State Representative Jean Yang, President & CEO, Vinfen Co. Event Sponsors to Date Visionary The Family of Donna Jean Johnson in Honor of Rae Edelson’s Leadership and in Memory of Donna Jean Johnson Wendy and Marty Kaplan, Lis Tarlow and Steve Kay Patti and Jonathan Kraft Philanthropist The Aronson Family Benefactor Anonymous (2) Lorri Berenberg and Robert Wilstein Rae Edelson and Bruce Dow Amanda MacMullan The Linda Hammett Ory and Andrew Ory Charitable Trust Martha Siegel and Adam Elsesser Patron Anonymous Bechtel Frank Erickson Architects Beverly and Bob Bernson Julie Bernson The Boston Foundation Edmund and Betsy Cabot Charitable Foundation in Honor of Yasmin Arshad Steve Corkin and Dan Maddalena The Family of Leah Dunn Martha Field in Honor of Maria Field Cheryl and Jeffrey Katz Supporter Anonymous Anonymous in Honor of Yasmin Arshad The Arc of Massachusetts Brookline Community Foundation Division of Digital Psychiatry, BIDMC Sarah, Laura, and Andrew Eisenmann Joe Geller and Maria Benet in Memory of Marvin and Virginia Geller Barbara Ito and Jonathan Katz Beth Kantrowitz and Ben Scheindlin Gregory Liakos The Mast Family in Memory of Linda Carlisle Mongan Institute Faith and Glenn Parker in Honor of Lorri Berenberg Eleanor Peters and Stephen Chaletzly Virginia Pye and John Ravenal Cynthia and Scott Randall Jake Randall Martha Richardson and Avrum Belzer Marla and Clifford Robinson in Honor of Beverly Bernson The Greater Yarmolinskys in Celebration of Yasmin Arshad Jean Yang

Banner Artwork by Jamilah Monroe and Bohill Wong


Октябрь 18, 2023
6:30 пп - 9:30 пп


Николас Кейн
Электронная почта
[email protected]

Место проведения

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston